Ted Danson recently shared his memories of working with Shelley Long on the beloved sitcom Cheers, over 37 years since her departure from the show. Danson, who played Sam Malone, a charismatic bartender and former baseball player, talked about the contrasting dynamic he had with Long's character, Diane Chambers, who was educated and refined.
In the September 9 episode of the podcast SmartLess, Danson recounted his initial doubts about Long joining the cast. He admitted, “I just, I don’t know,” expressing concern over their differing styles. Despite their differences, Danson believes these contrasts ultimately contributed to the strong on-screen chemistry between their characters.
Long's character left the show at the end of the fifth season to focus on her writing career, while in real life, Long departed Cheers in 1987 to concentrate on films and family. Danson reflected on their sometimes difficult off-screen interactions, but he praised their working relationship, describing it as fantastic. He appreciated Long's ability to match his energy and noted, “She was brilliant,” highlighting their playful and competitive exchanges on set.
Danson also credited Long with helping him secure his Emmy Awards for Cheers, suggesting that her exceptional performance played a significant role in his success. Following Long's exit, Kirstie Alley took over the role of Rebecca Howe, which led to Danson's initial concerns about the show’s future. He admitted in June 2023 that he was worried about the impact of Long’s departure, but he later commended Alley as "the funniest person" and acknowledged her vital role in maintaining the show’s popularity.
Danson's reflections reveal his deep respect for both Long and Alley, underscoring their significant impact on the legacy of Cheers.