"Sasquatch Sunset" blends comedy with an environmental message, creating a unique yet offbeat narrative. Directed by David and Nathan Zellner, known for their previous work on , the film takes a quirky look at the lives of a family of sasquatch.
The story follows a small group of sasquatch—an alpha male (Nathan Zellner), a pregnant female (Riley Keough), a second male (Jesse Eisenberg), and a child (Christophe Zajac-Denek)—as they navigate their existence in a world increasingly encroached upon by humans. Despite the heavy prosthetics, it's hard to tell Keough and Eisenberg are in the cast, as the sasquatch only communicate through grunts and hoots.
The film is filled with lowbrow humor, including scenes of flatulence, vomiting, and exaggerated sasquatch anatomy. In one memorable scene, the sasquatch’s encounter with a road leads them to express their fear by urinating and defecating on it. While some may find the humor repetitive or the 88-minute runtime stretched, the film manages to convey a touching sense of loneliness.
"Sasquatch Sunset" evokes a mood akin to the unsettling surrealism of and the whimsical oddity of. Despite its bizarre elements, the film reflects on the fragility of life and the impact of human activities on nature, potentially earning it a cult following.