A spectacular sky show is set for late Sunday evening, promising one of the most impressive meteor displays of 2024. The Perseid meteor shower, which occurs annually between late July and mid-August, is anticipated to reach its peak on the night of Sunday, August 11, and continue into the early hours of Monday, August 12, as reported by NASA.
Recognized as one of the most abundant meteor showers in the Northern Hemisphere, the Perseids offer a dazzling display with around 50 to 100 meteors per hour. This meteor shower is renowned for its vibrant fireballs, bright colors, and long meteor tails, which are visually striking against the night sky. Fireballs are particularly notable as they are larger bursts of light and color that linger longer than typical meteor streaks.
While skywatchers in the Southern Hemisphere, from the equator to mid-latitudes, will have a chance to see the Perseids, the display will not be as vivid as it is in the north.
This year, the viewing experience might be slightly diminished due to the Moon, which will be at 53% of its cycle, casting additional brightness that could affect visibility. For the best experience, observers should look for the Perseids after midnight, when the sky becomes darker, enhancing the visibility of the meteors.
For optimal viewing, it's recommended to be in a remote location, away from city lights, to ensure the clearest view of the shower.
The Perseids originate from comet particles and debris from disintegrated asteroids. As these celestial bodies orbit the Sun, they leave behind trails of dust and debris. Each year, Earth passes through this debris, causing it to enter the atmosphere and become visible as meteors.