Stars of Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter, are set to star in a new Broadway production of Waiting for Godot. Directed by Jamie Lloyd, who recently led a notable West End production of Romeo and Juliet, this play will debut on Broadway in Fall 2025 and will mark Reeves’ first appearance on the Broadway stage.
Reeves and Winter will trade their iconic roles for the parts of Estragon and Vladimir. The actors expressed their excitement about performing together and collaborating with Jamie Lloyd on one of their favorite plays. Lloyd mentioned that the reunion was Reeves' idea and highlighted their strong on-stage chemistry and shared sense of humor, which he believes will enhance the production.
Their friendship began on the set of the 1980s classic Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure and continued through its sequels. However, fans should not expect the same “party on” vibe from this existentialist play. Instead, Waiting for Godot explores deep themes of hope and despair as Estragon and Vladimir wait for the elusive Godot, engaging in philosophical and humorous exchanges along the way.
Waiting for Godot has previously graced the Broadway stage four times, with the latest production featuring Patrick Stewart. While this will be Reeves' debut on Broadway, Winter has a history of performing in productions like Peter Pan and The King and I from his youth.