The concept of an older woman dating a younger man is gaining popularity, with “The Idea of You” being followed by “A Family Affair.” This film could be dubbed “My Movie-Star Boss Sleeping With My Mom” as it stars Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron. While their pairing is intriguing, the film's romantic comedy elements fall flat, lacking the chemistry to truly spark interest.
The film primarily focuses on Kidman's character's daughter, Zara (played by Joey King), who works as an assistant to actor Chris Cole (Efron), famous for his role as the superhero Icarus Rush. Zara is frustrated with Chris's arrogant behavior and menial demands, including bizarre errands like buying specific protein powder.
Tensions rise when Chris shows up at Zara’s home, where she lives with her mother, Brooke (Kidman), a successful author. After an awkward encounter, Chris and Brooke end up together, rekindling Brooke's emotions. Zara is understandably upset, especially as her mother tries to downplay their 16-year age difference.
Directed by Richard Lagravenese (known for “The Bridges of Madison County”), “A Family Affair” struggles with its self-indulgent approach, making it hard to buy into its grand romance narrative. Though Lagravenese and writer Carrie Solomon attempt to add depth with a scene featuring Zara’s grandmother (Kathy Bates), the film ultimately relies on Hollywood clichés and musical montages to pad the runtime.
Despite the star power of Kidman and Efron, the film lacks chemistry and fails to live up to the promised romance. It’s expected to perform well on Netflix due to the star cast, but it falls short of delivering a memorable romantic comedy experience. “A Family Affair” debuts on Netflix on June 28 and is rated PG-13.